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序号 作者 论文名称 刊物名称 年、卷、期、页 论文收录情况
1 李艳 Ground-state properties of hard-core anyons in one-dimensional periodic lattices Eur. Phys. J. Plus 2013 128 94 SCI
2 李艳 Effects of disorder on quantum correlation of ultracold Bose gases released froma two dimensional optical lattice
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Sciences 2013 2 155  
3 乔闹生 Spectrum overlapping and measurement accuracy caused by the nonlinearity of CCD in Fourier transform profilometry Chinese Physics B 2013, 22(1): 014203/1-014203/6 SCI
4 乔闹生 Nonlocal orientation diffusion partial differential equation model for optics image denoising Optik 2013, 124(14): 1889-1891 SCI
5 乔闹生 A segmentation method for noisy photoelectric image Optik 2013, 124(20): 4092-4094 SCI
6 乔闹生 含噪声且较模糊的印刷电路板光电图像边缘检测研究 光电子•激光 2013, 24(4): 740-745 EI
7 乔闹生 印制电路板线路检测研究 光子学报 2013, 42(11): EI
8 贺志, 两二能级原子在共同环境下的量子关联动力学 物理学报 2013, 62 (18): 180301 SCI
9 贺志 Robust state transfer in the quantum spin channel via weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal Physics.Review.A 2013,88(4):044304 SCI
10 汪胜辉 Thermodynamic assessment of the glass-forming ability of Gd-Ni-Al alloy system The Physics of Metals and Metallography 2013,114,1074-1077 SCI
11 汪胜辉 大学物理实验开放存在的问题与对策 科技创新与应用 2013年第4期283页 cnki
12 王琼 Roles of dephasing in the population transfer in stimulated
Raman adiabatic process
Eur. Phys. J. D (2013) 67: 151 SCI
13 蔡新华 Non-lane-Based Macro Model of Traffic Flow with the Consideration of the Lateral Effects of the LaneWidth Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 EI收录

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